Сельскохозяйственный прогноз ОЭСР на 2011-2020гг. 5 Июля 2011 В ряде изданий анонсирован сельскохозяйственный прогноз ОЭСР на 2011-2020 по международной системе моделей Aglink-Cosimo , в разработке национального блока России, в рамках сотрудничества с ОЭСР, сотрудники ВИАПИ им. А.А.Никонова - С.О.Сиптиц, И.А.Романенко, Н.Е.Евдокимова, А.А.Абрамов, А.С.Строков , - принимали непосредственное участие. Ниже приводятся ссылки на соответствующие публикации, любезно предоставленные сотрудниками по связи ОЭСР.

The launch of the OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2011-2020 was featured in a wide range of prestigious international newspapers and broadcast media such as the BBC, The Guardian, Der Spiegel, Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, the India Times, Le Figaro, The Irish Times, The West Australian, The Hindu, The Daily Telegraph... as well as agencies like AP, Bloomberg, AFP and Reuters, from whom the story was picked up by many more press and media outlets. 

The World Tonight on BBC Radio 4 is one of the most influential news shows in the UK. The show’s 17 June edition led with a special feature on the findings of the new Outlook. Listen online at http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b011w837#synopsis




The Daily Telegraph, a leading UK newspaper, published a detailed print and online article including a quote from the SG and one of Alex’s graphics from the Outlook website/press release http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/commodities/8583130/High-food-prices-here-to-stay-says-UN-and-OECD.html




The Wall Street Journal’s print and online article on the Outlook gave great prominence to the OECD... http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303823104576391130488194502.html




The Guardian, a UK paper with a large online readership, featured downloadable data in its Datablog post on the Outlook:



http://www.oecd.org/vgn/images/portal/cit_731/52/41/38764618Deutschland.JPGhttp://www.oecd.org/vgn/images/portal/cit_731/53/7/38764895Österreich.JPG http://www.oecd.org/vgn/images/portal/cit_731/53/15/38764980Schweiz.JPG

167 German-language media outlets featured the Outlook launch, thanks to a press release from our PAC Berlin colleagues. Here are some links to online articles – for more information, contact Antonie Kerwien in the PAC Berlin office.






News of the Outlook publication was circulated widely on Twitter on the day of the launch. Thanks to Alison Benney for her good work on the OECD Twitter account, which now has almost 13,000 followers:http://twitter.com/oecd




The YouTube video made by PAC for the Outlook launch has been watched over 1,000 times in two weeks. If you haven’t seen it yet, or if you want to see it again, go to: http://youtu.be/NjJ2dkpkJEI


Links to press cuttings (from the PAC Media Review):

·          Agencies forecast decade of soaring cereal and meat prices (FT)

·         High food prices here to stay, says UN and OECD (DailyTel.)

·         Are soaring food prices about to reverse course? (DailyTel.)

·         Farm prices to stay high, investment key - FAO/OECD (Reuters)

·         Paris urges G-20 to head off a 'century of hunger' (IHT)

·         Agencies See Decade of High Food Prices / OECD-FAO Outlook Anticipates Higher Food Prices For Another Decade (WSJ)

·         Officials predict prolonged high food prices / Food Prices to Fail but Supplies Remain Tight: OECD (AP, CNBC)

·         Food Prices to Stay High This Decade on Demand, Slowing Output (Bloomberg)

·         L'agriculture, une priorité face à la hausse des prix / Les prix agricoles devraient rester élevés jusqu'en 2020 (La Tribune, Le Figaro)

·         Les prix agricoles resteront élevés (UsineNouv.)

·         FAO : les prix des produits agricoles de base resteront élevés / Faut-il produire des agrocarburants en Afrique ? (RFI, CRI)

·         Internationale Experten erwarten steigende Preise für Agrarprodukte / Lebensmittelpreise bleiben hoch (Handelsbla)

·         Investitionen in die Landwirtschaft bitter nötig (NZZ)

·         U.S., EU Regulators Say OECD Work Yields Progress on Safety, Harmonization Unlikely (BNADailEnv)

·         Famine politique (Le Devoir)

·         High food prices here to stay, global report warns / Les prix des aliments vont continuer de grimper (CTV, Le Devoir)

·         Seguirán a la alza precios agrícolas (Economista)

·          Food costs to rocket: OECD (WestAust)

·         Food Prices Projected To Rise Over Next Decade, FAO/OECD Report Says / ‘Higher food prices are here to stay’ (Jiji, The Hindu)

·         OECD, FAO see persisting high food prices with volatile markets (Xinhua)

·         OECD, FAO see higher food prices ahead (BTSingap)

·         Global Food Price Volatility a Fact of Life (AsiaSent.)

·         Bleak forecast for food prices (Bus.Report)



YouTube home…and some more online articles:

·         Surge in agri-food exports leads to revised targets for vibrant sector (The Irish Times)

·         Food prices to be high and volatile (Capital FM, Kenya)

·         Higher food prices to stay; devastating impact seen (Malaya Business Insight)



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